In line with the vision and mission of the company, to prepare and develop the necessary human resources infrastructure for the company to achieve its als by making the best use of human resources, to establish an organization that learns, develops, is creative and creates added value, and is sensitive to the environment, occupational health and safety by employing modern management techniques.


Our Human Resources Strategy

At Aves, we aim to achieve both our individual and corporate als by supporting the continuous development of our employees. In line with this, we focus on lifelong learning and the development of skills. By identifying training and development needs, we create and implement annual training plans and evaluate the results.


We encourage a culture of continuous learning by aiming to be one step ahead, to make a difference and to support our employees in the best way possible. We aim to increase the potential of our employees and increase their job performance by supporting organizational development with internal and external training programs.

Social Activities

We organize various activities to strengthen communication among our employees, increase motivation and reinforce team spirit. These include ing out to dinner, organizing excursions, sporting events, tournaments, prize competitions and activities that can be attended with families.

With annual events and organizations, we aim to gather together around common values by reinforcing the sense of unity and solidarity among our employees. In this way, we aim to strengthen the relations of our employees with each other and further deepen our company culture.